Thanks for visiting my site

"Thanks for visiting my site. Finally I have my moment of fame! I've been stuck in this little town for so long, just waiting for someone to notice me, and here you are. Check in with me regularly to see what I've been up to, I promise to keep you hootin' and a hollerin' for more. I'm just a small town girl with a big dream of one day being somebody! And wait until you meet "the girls." There's Tootsie, Mertle, Glenda and so many others I won't mention right now, but don't you listen to a word they say about me, unless it's good. They have all been known to gossip, but you didn't hear that from me. Now that I've learned how to work this new fangled blog thing, you are going to be hearing a lot from me. Finally I have a voice and I'm going to use it. I hope you enjoy reading about my life. Well, I'm not going to tell you anymore, you are just going to have to read all about me and my fabulous life!" Josey

Thursday, April 21, 2011

It's a Numbers Game - Episode 9

To divert Lucille’s attention from Van, Josey began massaging Lucille’s hands.

 “Tell me about this new pastor you’re getting. What does this make, your tenth one in six years?”

“What?” questioned Lucille, as she jerked her hand back. “Now you take that back. You know darn well it’s only been three, and if it weren’t for all you Carington Heights' people running them out of town, we wouldn’t be where we are today.”

Josey reached for Lucille’s hand and looked at her handiwork. “What color you want this week? Black, to go on these claws. Now you know there is no truth to that statement you made. What makes you think we had any part in running your pastors off?”

Lucille snickered. “I think that pearly pink would be fine, thank you. And what I mean is, every darn organization in this town is run by members of the Carington Heights congregation, and don’t say it isn’t true. Who runs the school board? Who’s president of the Rotary and the Chamber of Commerce? Now you tell me it isn’t true.”

“Well, it looks to me like if they are running these things, it must be because that’s the way the Lord would have it,” said Josey, with a smug look on her face.

“Did it ever occur to you that it might just be because there are about thirty generations of family here, and when one kicks the bucket, they’ve got twenty relatives waiting in line to take their place? I’d call it a numbers game, and I don’t mean the Book of Numbers either,” snapped Lucille.

This was Lucille and Josey’s usual battle of the words they played. Neither meant each other harm, but they were both very strong willed women, and each believed they were led by the Lord. It just so happened that every time the Lord tried to get them to meet in the middle, they met all right, but they would keep battling until one was down for the count, and today it was Lucille.

“Listen Josey, we are ecstatic about this new pastor, and his wife is supposed to be a little doll. They both served in the Peace Corps and have traveled all over the world. Could you spread the word to everyone to at least give them a chance?”

“A chance? Honey, we’re meeting tonight to pray and find out what the welcoming committee has planned for them. We want to give them a good old-fashioned southern welcome. Here, set those nails under this lamp to dry.”
Stay tuned for the next episode!

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